Praying for the election

Brian Caughley leads us in prayer for the 2023 General Election. PRAYER POINTS: The 3 C’s CHOICES Pray that Christians will prayerfully choose which Party, and Electorate candidate, they should vote for, and vote in the way the Lord leads them. • Pray that all voters...

Family First

Bob McCoskrie is the CEO of Family First, an organisation that seeks to promote strong families, marriage, and the value of life in the media and through research & education. He shares some key prayer points with us – especially in the light of the recent Supreme...


Some reflections about Waitangi, Christians, and bi-culturalism A key background to the Treaty of Waitangi was the evangelical Christian humanitarian movement in Britain, which was concerned about the negative impact of western colonisation on indigenous peoples...

Hate Speech

Mark Maney, staff researcher/writer for NZ Christian Network, presented some concerns people should have over the government’s proposed hate speech legislation that is currently under discussion and made three prayer requests regarding this discussion process:...