We have no doubt all been praying for the election and especially for the referendums. Tonight on Pray as One we begin 12 days of nightly prayer, calling on God that righteousness will prevail, both in the election of members of parliament and in the voting on the referenda.
We will not be praying along partisan party political lines. God is far above the claims and clamour of mere politics, and God belongs to no political party or cause.
The righteousness of God far transcends mere human politics, with all its policies, personalities, and petty divisions.
But we can dare to pray that in his grace and great wisdom and power God may bring about new make-up of Parliament that is more deeply aware of God and his ways, than this last Parliament. We will pray that many more candidates who have a sense of God’s righteousness will be elected, right across the political spectrum, and that among them there may be Christian MPs of great faith, courage, capacity, and influence.
We will also pray, that by the power of God’s Holy Spirit, the public may wake up to the long-term dangers of what is proposed in the both referendums, that they may be unpersuaded by the spin, and that in surprising numbers our nation may vote NO to both proposals.
And we will pray that the Christians of New Zealand may not look to mere politics and policies and laws to bring about righteousness in New Zealand society, but may instead be praying with great seriousness for God to deeply renew his people and his churches in this land of Aotearoa, and to bring a profound spiritual reawakening across many parts of society.
So as we go into this season of focused pre-election and pre-referendum prayer, we Christian believers need first to examine our own hearts and lives before Holy God, to repent of what is wrong in our lives and our churches, and to seek God’s forgiveness and restoration.
We need have no illusions about our churches or society, or about the state of our own faith and life as Christian believers.
We acknowledge that so many churches and Christians in this country are worldly, or discouraged, or sleepy, or unsure in their faith, or culture or tradition or liberal ways of thinking have displaced the Gospel, or have compromised our faith in Christ and the Gospel and the Word of God. None of us are immune to that.
Pray that many Christians in this country – including us – will recover full confidence in the divine truth and power of Christ, the Gospel, and the Word of God.
Romans 1:16
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Pray that Christians in our country – including us – may repent of half-belief and spiritual lukewarmness.
Pray that God may inspire a great wave of prayer among hundreds of thousands of Christian believers, prior to the election and referenda, and far beyond.
Pray that there may be deep spiritual renewal across the Christians & churches of Aotearoa.
Pray that Christians may be less influenced by society, and that instead they may affect society. Too many Christians have lost their saltiness, and are no longer yeast permeating the leaven.
Pray for Aotearoa, for a profound spiritual re-awakening to Christ, across our society.
Pray that hundreds of thousands (even millions) of people in our society may develop a hunger and thirst for God, and for true righteousness.
Pray that many may deeply repent of their unbelief and ungodliness, and turn to the living God, and place their trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
Pray that New Zealand may be transformed by such spiritual re-awakening, and that so much that is wrong in society may be replaced by the glory and goodness and righteousness of God. And, of course, pray for many righteous and godly MPs to be elected, and for the result of the referendums to surprise everyone.