Right to Life | Chris O’Brien

Chris O’Brien shared about Right to Life New Zealand Inc. Right to Life fights for the rights of our unborn children and those whose lives are vulnerable at the other end of life’s spectrum. Our work involves opposing New Zealand’s unjust abortion and euthanasia laws...

Mike Porteous | Hub of Hope NZ

About Hub of Hope NZ A Mission to Bring Hope. Our vision is to equip people all around New Zealand to journey alongside anyone with a life-limiting illness, while offering Christian spiritual support which is full of hope for them and their whānau. The Hub of Hope NZ...

Pray As One | Mighty Men NZ

Mighty Men is a Christian organisation that focuses on ministering and edifying men and boys. Mighty Men’s focus is to change the world for Christ by challenging men to transform to the Word of God. By touching men we believe that we are touching families, churches,...

Wynand Jacobs | Family Life

For the past 30 years, FamilyLife NZ has been equipping couples to build Godly families and stay married for a lifetime through their Weekend to Remember getaways, home group studies, radio programmes, and other resources. Wynand Jacobs is the current Executive...

Regional Focus | Gisborne – Hawkes Bay

Church unity: Gisborne – Hawke’s Bay Nigel Woodley is the senior pastor of Flaxmere Christian Fellowship, and he wears several other hats too. Nigel has been pastoring at FCF for over forty years. He is married to Joann, and they have five children who are...