If ‘CHRIST’ is being removed from CHRISTmas – what are we to do? Is a nationally-united vision, to bring change, possible?

Hope Project Christmas represents a paradigm that can work – uniting in an easy goal that we can each pursue our own way.

The goal: To keep the ‘CHRIST’ in CHRISTmas.

The idea: What if individuals, businesses, churches and churches together all concurrently did creative things to return the Nativity to public view?

Hear about some of the amazing creative endeavours churches and their people have undertaken throughout NZ the past few years. Get inspired!


  • That the churches of Aotearoa will UNITE willingly where beneficial
  • That nativity displays will re-ignite AWARENESS of and CONVERSATION about the real MEANING of CHRISTmas
  • That PEOPLE STRUGGLING through this season – whether it be from loneliness, brokenness, family or financial struggles, will FIND TRUE HOPE!