Originally from Northern Ireland, Gillian has lived in New Zealand for many years and has four adult children and two grandchildren born in New Zealand. Gillian moved from the corporate sector to work with the Leprosy Mission 17 years ago and has the privilege to travel to the programmes Leprosy Missions supports, and meet people affected by leprosy and hear their life stories.

Established in 1912, the Leprosy Mission New Zealand (LMNZ) is one of the oldest and most trusted charities in New Zealand. LMNZ is a member of a Global Fellowship that has a presence in 30 countries around the world and has been working for 150 years with people affected by leprosy.

As an International Christian organisation focused on the eradication of leprosy, LMNZ holds strong values of compassion, justice, integrity, humility and inclusion. We hold those affected by leprosy and the communities we work alongside at the heart of all we do, ensuring that not only is leprosy defeated, but lives are transformed.

Pray Points:

– Early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy to minimise disability and discrimination.

– Research breakthroughs for treatment and prevention of leprosy.

– Strengthening relationships with national and local government departments to work together towards ending leprosy.

– Sharing health knowledge and empowerment in leprosy endemic communities to strengthen individual immune systems and community resilience.

– Safety of Leprosy Mission staff and volunteers travelling in remote areas.

– For each Leprosy Mission supporter within New Zealand that prays for and financially supports the essential leprosy work around the world.