Christian Surfers has been running for 40 years around the world in 33 Nations. Their vision is for every surfer and every surfing community to have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus. Surfing is the fastest growing sport in New Zealand & many countries...
Dr Stuart Lange shares the vision and challenges NZCN face as well as some of the projects that help build unity across the Christian church in Aotearoa New Zealand, which include: NZ Christian Leaders’ Congress Prayer Breakfasts Pray As One NZ PRAYER POINTS:...
The Hope Project Easter effort is upon us, with TV and web-media connecting with half our nation’s population, while the booklets connect with 1.4m homes – delivered via volunteers in most places. It’s a privileged opportunity, in which we get to see our...
Ben Findlay and the Catalyst team share about this year’s Catalyst Project, running from 19 – 24 April with outreaches run in Cambridge, Kaiwaka, Ngaruawahia, Te Awamutu, Waihi, Dargaville, Waiheke Island, Whangamata, Thames, and Huntly. PRAYER POINTS: Matthew...
Dan Mazengarb shares about the work of Christian Savings to see churches and Christian charities flourish through access to better finance and his passion to see churches faithfully utilise their assets for Kingdom purposes and that, as the sector that represents...
For the past 30 years, FamilyLife has been bringing practical help and gospel centred hope to marriages and families in New Zealand through their marriage workshops, events and resources. They exist to help families grow together and impact their corner of the world....
Historian, Dr Stuart Lange, shares some of the Christian background and principles to the Treaty of Waitangi. Prayer Points: Give thanks to God for the evangelical Christian motivation of the Treaty of Waitangi, and the various Christian principles the Treaty...
Desiree Thompson, who is co-director with her husband Phil, along with Chris Runciman, a trustee, share about the ministry of JH Aotearoa. JH Aotearoa is a high impact, intentional programme that has been developed over 30 years in the USA at JH Ranch and adapted to...
Scott Lenning, NZ Tour Director of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, shared with us about Franklin Graham’s upcoming ‘God Love You Tour.’ Scott worked for Billy Graham for 19 years in the USA and came back to work with BGEA under Franklin to...
“Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge” – Proverbs 14:26 As we gather to pray, the world is facing an unprecedented global crisis. Economic recession and food shortages are resulting from the aftermath of the...