Brian Caughley shared about Pray for the Nation. Pray for the Nation (also known as Intercessors for New Zealand) started in January 1972. Our printed monthly Prayer Letters went to many thousands of Christians in New Zealand and other countries. In 1997 our Prayer Letters were also put online. Each month these Prayer Letters contained a Bible Study on prayer, or a prayer-related topic, especially focusing on praying for the nation.
Prayer points:
- Pray that “requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2)
- Pray for the Church that Jesus is building.
- Pray for the Home and Family – for the wellbeing of parents and families.
- Pray for our Government – for wisdom, honesty, right decisions and righteous laws to be made. In essence – for what is best for our people and country.
- Pray for Education – what is taught in schools, by word and by example.
- Pray for Influential people in society and what their influence does to us and to our society. e.g., the Media.
- For an increase of fervent, continued prayer by Christians and in churches – for a vision for prayer, revival, sharing the Gospel, and the presence God at work in our nation.For personal prayer time after Pray As One
- Pray through our National Anthem.
- Pray the prayer which the Speaker of the House prays, each day Parliament sits.
Both of these prayers can be found on our website.