Brian Caughley leads us in prayer for the 2023 General Election.



  • Pray that Christians will prayerfully choose which Party, and Electorate candidate, they should vote for, and vote in the way the Lord leads them. • Pray that all voters will vote for Parties and Electorate MPs who have righteous values, and a genuine desire to do their best for the welfare of our people.


  • Pray for the outcomes of the elections, including coalitions; which MPs are chosen for Ministerial positions, and other leading roles in government. • Pray that all changes which occur as the result of the elections and a new government, will be for the betterment of our country as a whole. That all new and existing MPs, will have the wisdom and ability to make right decisions, to build up our country and bring blessing to our people, especially to those in need.


  • The future of our country and people can be greatly affected by our government leadership and its decisions and laws. Pray that in the coming years we will see the goodness and kindness of God, in the new government we will have. • Pray that what God said to Israel in the past will also come to pass in Aotearoa New Zealand: “For surely I know the plans I have for you”, says the LORD, “plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope” (Jer. 29:11)