James Muir from Praying Pastors in Tauranga shared on various events and situations in the Bay of Plenty that need our support and prayers.

Prayer Points:

  • Prayer for the success of the 2024 Kiwifruit Harvest and for all NZ Growers, Workers and their families.
  • Prayer for The Tauranga City Commissioners who will finish their 4 year term on 20th July 2024.
  • Pray for wisdom and active involvement of electors for the TCC Elections on 20th July as a new Mayor and 8 Councillors and needed. People of good character, competence and commitment to teamwork.
  • Prayer for real progress in local Treaty and Land issues involving Tauranga Maori, Anglican Church, Tauranga City Council & NZ Government.
  • Prayer for strengthening of God honouring marriages and family values in the Bay of Plenty, to provide greater emotional, spiritual and physical security for children.