David Dishroon shares the prayer needs of Tauranga.
Below are more prayer points from other leaders in the Bay of Plenty Region:
Tauranga: For Reconciliation processes to continue to move forward in Governmental/public arenas and in the wider church. (David Dishroon)
Whakatane: That we will have a greater unity among churches so that God can be glorified in our city. (Grant Bateson)
Rotorua: Wisdom for planning of winding up emergency motel accommodation for homeless…people are moved into Rotorua from other towns, causing accommodation instability, (especially as Tourism returns) increasing general social risks, vulnerable children and with increased food costs mini- motel ghettos of ‘at risk’ people are developing. (Dr. Belinda Coulter)
Taupo: Pray that God will lead the Taupo Churches Support Hub, ( up until now a Covid -19 response group), into the next stage of community support; and that the ministers in Taupo will have a vision for unity. (Teri Walker; Te Tahi)