Strengthening the inner life of the pray-er
Anne Morrow
UPGRADE …what does that mean … I am not going to stay where I am … I refuse to feel I am a victim and everything is out of my control. ..means I must have a different expectation .. expectation of change, favour, enlargement … Fresh revelation of My God.
Realisation -Things are not going to stay as they are now .. or were. We are embarking on a new era. Circumstances dramatically changed, but God desires to continue to equip us for such days
KEY to this .. is a NEW SURRENDER … acknowledgement .. I do not have all the answers .. of what was … what I had thought .. for we have not passed this way before.
During 2021 .. Several scriptures that has been on my heart for a major part of this year has been in Psalm 18:32-34; The call of the warrior. More recently the word to ASCEND … the call to come up higher – perspective and understanding
BUT FIRST Psalm 23
THE LORD is my best friend and my shepherd.[a]
I always have more than enough.[b]
2 He offers (MAKETH ME TO LIE DOWN) a resting place for me in his luxurious love.[c]
His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss.[d]
3 That’s where he restores and revives my life.[e] DO YOU NEED THIS?
Causes life to return .. He opens before me the right path
and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness[f] so that I can BRING honor to his name.
That v 2 .. maketh me to lie down – implying a little force for some obvious reasons – I suggest .. the sheep did not feel they needed this right now; there was so much to do; wanted to get on with their role and calling. But the reason for the rest was that the shepherd knew that the way ahead was one of ascending, and if not rested before many would not make it.
We must learn to rest. It is not saying you lay down and give up. But to take time to allow the Holy Spirit to minister deeply into our heart and circumstances.
ASCENDING .. but first ..
To ascend in the natural … you shed whatever is not necessary to carry or any weight that will impede your progress. In the resting .. time to surrender and believe that God is over all .. He is sovereign .. and come to a new place of trust.
time to revaluate .. what really matters for the journey ahead. Revelation of how we are seated with Christ in heavenly places ..ayers that Paul prayed in Book of Ephesians.
Proverbs 15:16 ; “Living the ascended life) its much better to live simply surrounded in holy awe and worship of God.
Time to allow God to refresh, revive, restore …
2021 a very difficult year .. what surfaced for you .. what cracks did this reveal .. loss of passion .. some things we need to leave behind .. some issues need to process not bury . A searching of our hearts –
Psalm 24 … 3-4
As pray- ers … Who shall ascend into the hill if the LORD .. CLEAN HANDS and a pure heart
He that has clean hands shall become stronger and stronger . ..
personal integrity ..
- 23:3 Or “he causes my life [or “soul,” Hb. nephesh] to return.” So often life drains out of us through our many activities, but, as David found, God restores our well-being when we pursue what pleases God and when we rest in him.
Ephesians 3:16-19
And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power.
(1) New commitment in our love for Him … the source of our wisdom .. Invitation to leave behind … to evaluate … Ascend .. come up higher … higher perspective and understanding Revelation knowledge
(2) Surrender of our schedules .. make time to rest .. to be revived, restored .. incorporating sabbath times into our lives.
(3) pray that Increase of wisdom and favour … change of mindset …
- Upgrade in your job .. regardless of the present situation
- Upgrade in relationships
- Upgrade in fiancés
- Proverbs 15:16 ; “Living the ascended life) its much better to live simply surrounded in holy awe and worship of God.
so you can receive a new strategy that is going to look totally different than what you expected.
Proverbs 21:22 The Passion Translation
22 A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases breakthrough, regional breakthrough bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.[a]
(4) A fresh surrender to HIS WISDOM … commitment to love Him passionately,
Trust and walk in obedience … receiving new mindsets – new radical creative expressions of His heart … and then through prayer, release regional breakthrough .. bringing down the strongholds of the mighty ..
Know him as the lamb of God that take the away the sin of the world
(5) To become like the lion of Judah .. our bleating becomes a roar .. fueled by truth, HIS WORD .. REVELATION knowledge .strong convictions .. knowing who we are in Christ … empowered with HIS AUTHORITY … CULTURE of the Kingdom of God.