Mighty Men is a Christian organisation that focuses on ministering and edifying men and boys. Mighty Men’s focus is to change the world for Christ by challenging men to transform to the Word of God. By touching men we believe that we are touching families, churches, workplaces, communities, cities, and a generation. Mighty Men is independent of any domination and is based on sound Christian doctrine.

Mighty Men was started in South Africa in 2004 by Angus Buchan, a farmer, he initiated annual outdoor camping conferences on his farm. It started out with a number of attendees that grew rapidly from a few dozen men in 2004 and was attended by up to 300,000 men and boys in 2010. From there Mighty Men Conferences have continued around South Africa and the world, however, these are no longer one central conference organised by Angus through Shalom Trust.

Today, in New Zealand, MMNZ have an active membership of around 250 men. We also reach men through weekly evangelical street outreaches, monthly regional men’s breakfasts, structured Whatsapp support groups, and volunteer prison chaplaincy services supported by our intercessory prayer group. Not bound to a building or denomination MMNZ is a “liquid” part of the Body of Christ with influence infiltrating streets, families, workplaces, churches, and communities.

Based on Mal 6:4, our mission statement sets: “To live genuine lives that simply want to honour and glorify God by acting as servants with the intention of making a meaningful difference in communities by shifting men’s hearts toward God. Turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers”.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for Men to turn to God.
  • For an awakening in the hearts of men that will cause them to seek God like never before.
  • May Holy Spirit raise a generation of powerful Word-based men of principle.
  • That God will cause supernatural healing to flow through families and turn the hearts of fathers, wives, and children towards each other.
  • For a special hand of protection over children affected by dysfunctional and abusive family conditions.
  • To strengthen the hearts of our prayer and intersession partners.
  • Bestow wisdom, understanding, and courage in the hearts of MM leadership and volunteers.
  • Special prayer for the November 2024 conference for the programme, open hearts, pure worship, availability of financial resources, and safety of travellers.
  • For the Church to turn from a seeker-friendly new-age culture to a God-fearing, Word-based, and Spirit-Filled edifying structure.
  • For stability and structure to return to prison chaplaincy services. For government funding to flow to resourcing chaplaincy services, and for doors to open that more jail facilities would become accessible to Christian service workers.