Mike Porteous shares with us a message about being blessed to be a blessing.
From his notes:
Point One: Before we can bless, we first must receive blessing.
- Genesis 12:1-3 Abram received from the Lord. Numbers 6:22-27 How blessing came upon Israel.
Point Two: Lay hold of God’s blessing – fully own it, picture it in your mind every day.
- John 1:1-3 Jesus is the light of the world, and darkness of this world can’t overcome it.
- Matthew 5:13-16 now transferred to “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of this world”.
- Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”.
- Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore – I am with you always, to the end of the age.” We are blessed because Christ is with us and in us. We carry His presence.
- Matthew 24:12 If we focus on the evil, end result is discouragement, powerlessness, etc. We are to keep our eyes upon Jesus, because in Him we become more than conquerors –
- Romans 8:37, Hebrews 12:2. We must lay hold of this blessing, we are not powerless, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. God will give us answers for the problems of this evil world.
- Exodus 17: Moses on hill arms raised.
Point Three: Speak out this blessing continuously until it comes into reality.
- Genesis 1: God spoke, and it was created. When we speak in line with God’s revelation things are created, transformed, come into being. Blessing flows.
Prayer points:
- Pray for the members of your group and for Christians across N Z that we all might clearly receive God’s revelation of solutions for the problems of our country.
- Pray this revelation would come alive so that we become convinced that nothing will stop its fulfilment, despite whatever challenges encountered.
- Pray that God’s people boldly rise up and take on all kinds of leadership roles in the community to bring positive transformation in this broken world.
- Pray for the importance of supporting one another to stand strong though the setbacks, especially when the objective takes far longer than expected.