Auckland based human rights lawyer Richard McLeod, outlines a number of key problems in the End of Life Choice Law and the impact that it will likely have on New Zealand’s most vulnerable communities.
- Pray for all vulnerable New Zealanders. Let us pray for those who, with the coming into effect of the End of Life Choice Act, may become susceptible to real or subtle pressures to request euthanasia – especially those who are elderly, frail, lonely, isolated, or who feel they are a burden.
- Pray for those who will be on the frontlines trying to protect vulnerable New Zealanders from abuse under the upcoming euthanasia regime. For all pro-life medical practitioners, nurses, caregivers, lawyers, human rights defenders, and watchdog groups in New Zealand who will be devoting their efforts to protecting vulnerable patients from abuse under the new euthanasia regime. That they will be given protection, wisdom, courage, strength, and the resources they need for their battle.
- Pray for our leaders. That those in positions of political leadership come to understand the harms that this euthanasia and assisted suicide regime will bring to New Zealand. May their consciences be pricked and their minds enlightened. May they come to make decisions that truly uphold and protect the value of human life.
- Pray for a halt to euthanasia expansion. That New Zealanders will step back from the abyss and oppose the inevitable expansion of euthanasia to other vulnerable groups in years to come including the disabled, chronically ill, mentally ill, and children.
Download the document mentioned in Richard’s message
Vulnerabilities of NZ’s Elderly under an Assisted Dying regime