Church unity: Gisborne – Hawke’s Bay Nigel Woodley is the senior pastor of Flaxmere Christian Fellowship, and he wears several other hats too. Nigel has been pastoring at FCF for over forty years. He is married to Joann, and they have five children who are all married and in Church. Nigel sits on two faith boards as a trustee with important roles in each. He is also the Chief Advocate For the Protection of Zion, a trust which administers public advocacy for Israel in New Zealand. Nigel leads public rallies for Israel in Hastings and has several other pastors assisting him with this.
Prayer points:
- Cyclone Gabrielle’s recovery – this is still ongoing, over 12 months later
- Prayer for our region not to be fooled by the anti-Israel conflagration taking place throughout NZ – we don’t want the curse on the region, but the blessing of God
- Unity among leaders
- Unity among churches
- Regathering of the wayward back into Church life
- Visitation of the Holy Spirit upon Gisborne and Hawkes Bay
- Safety of the local Israeli-Jewish community in our area