National Prayer Initiative
Scroll down for links to prayer meetings hosted by others join 8-9pm MONDAYSSubscribe for email updates
8-9pm every Monday
Pray As One NZ coordinates speakers from throughout the county to present a prayer focus for the week and bring direction to a particular topic via an online Zoom meeting. But it doesn’t stop there!
Recording or transcripts are then made available via this website, our Facebook page and YouTube channel to help continue prayer throughout the week, especially for those unable to join us on Monday nights.
Special prayer calls
Pray As One NZ also calls for or partners with other prayer initiatives in leading seasonal prayer. We also share resources from them as well.
If we’re running it, the same link will be used; if not, we’ll let you know how to join. Check out regular prayer initiatives below.
Click the button and review our protocol before joining our meeting
The meeting link is open shortly before and during all scheduled meetings
Intercessors Aotearoa is a movement that equips, informs and mobilises intercessors with strategies, information & prayer points on government, legislation & heritage to impact our nation, our whānau, and future generations. Wednesdays from 7:30-9pm on Zoom

Prayer for Valuing Life
Although not run by Pray As One NZ, we highly recommend joining this group. It is administered by one of the regular attendees to our Monday night meetings.
Praying with the Aussies
Our brothers and sisters across the Tasman have been goin’ hard yakka in prayer for years and have been encouraging us since we started. In fact, we often join in on each other’s calls to prayer. You are invited to join any of their regular meetings.
10 pm New Zealand time on Mondays (for Australia), Wednesdays (their government) and Sundays (the nations).

What People Say
Loved being with others from different cultures and churches to pray in agreement for our land and people.
We should all contact friends and family to join in to pray as one for our country of Aotearoa.
Tena tatou te whānau o Ihu Karaiti.. blessings to our family in Christ Jesus… To be as ONE in Him who First Loved us. Amen.
It brings unity, commitment to pray as one body, to be under God, and humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.